jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Does money bring happiness?

Money is something important in life, as it allows us to have a good life quality and enjoy many possibilities , which people with less resources can’t afford. Poverty conditions dramatically people’s life,  as it often implies bad health conditions, deficiencies in education, etc. In addition, it is usually the cause of many other problems, such as violence or prostitution.

Notwithstanding, wealthiness doesn’t guarantee happiness.  Paradoxically, rich people are sometimes more miserable than poor ones, as they don’t have some other important values, such as family, friendship…  Besides, when we get obsessed with getting money, we might neglect other aspects in our life which are, at least, as important as richness.

 In conclusion, we can say that wealthiness doesn’t bring happiness, as there are other relevant things in life, but it is important to have our basic necessities covered.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Should teenagers decide about their own future or be guided by their parents? Explain.

Many youngsters have to take decisions every day, from what they are going to wear to the kind of studies they are going to choose.  Some decisions are irrelevant, but some other decisions, like those regarding their future, should be taken by themselves.
Firstly,  because when  teenagers take a decision, for example about their studies, what is put at risk is their own future , and not that of their parents or friends –although other people’s opinion can always be valuable, above all that of their parents.
Besides, youngsters should be mature enough to be able to take their own choices because their parents will not be always there to do everything for them.

In conclusion,  it is always better that teenagers take their own decisions, taking into consideration the opinion of their parents and friends that can always be of use.

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Individual sports vs team sports

Many people enjoy playing sports, from skiing or surfing to baseball or football. However, while team sports certainly have many supporters, there are some people who prefer individual ones. In fact, many individual sports have been adapted to be played by groups, like tennis.

Those who are in favour of team sports state the fact that it is good for socializing and makes you acquire good values –as you have to respect your partners and follow the rules. Besides, it is more enjoyable, because you interact with different people and it is a fun way of keeping fit.

On the other hand, individual sports have also many advantages. Firstly, because you can outdo yourself, and when you win it can give you a great personal satisfaction, due to the fact that you have achieved it by yourself. In addition, individual sports are more flexible, as you don’t depend on others.

In conclusion, the choice of one type of sport or another, depends on what your aim is –if you want to have a good time while doing  some sport, team sports are better, but if you want to surpass yourself, choose individual ones.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

In what circumstances would you think of emigrating?

Emigrating means moving to another country, which is something not many people like doing, because it means leaving behind their families. That movement started when people from the countryside moved to the cities looking for a job. Nowadays, there is a big disparity from one country to another, so many people are forced to leave their countries and look for a better life abroad. In many underdeveloped countries people must leave because of wars or because they suffer from famine.
What happens in a developed country? There are countries like Portugal, Italy or Spain where people can’t find a job easily due to the global economic crisis. Most young people from those countries have been emigrating looking for better working conditions or at least for a job.  
To sum up, I would emigrate if I suffered from bad living conditions in my country or because I sought for better working opportunities.

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Studying abroad is good for everybody

It is said that going abroad involves running some risks, because you have to be independent and get most things by yourself. However, studying abroad is generally a great experience.
First of all, it allows you to meet new people and you get to know a different culture. That makes you be more open-minded and have a different view of life… Maybe if you had prejudices about that country, after being there, you realise they were not true.
Moreover, it makes it easier to learn other languages. When you are abroad, not only can you practise the language 24 hours every day, but you also listen to native speakers, so you improve very quickly.
It also makes you more responsible as you have to care for yourself
In a nutshell, I consider that going away is always a good thing to do and I recommend everyone to do it when given the chance. 

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

A memorable place

Last year I went to London with my host family. I had always wanted to go there, as I had heard it was a wonderful city, and it didn't dissapoint me at all. 

The weather there is rather dull -it's always overcast- but the good thing about London is that there are many things to do. There are a lot of monuments you can visit, like the emblematic Tower of London or the Tower Bridge.The museums are great. In the British Museum, you can see mummies and in the National Gallery, you can admire some of the most representative works of art in history. 

In a nutshell, London might make you feel dissapointed at first sight; however, after a few days, you will be amazed by the surprises which will be waiting for you in every corner.   http://www.infoescola.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Big_Ben.jpg