miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Studying abroad is good for everybody

It is said that going abroad involves running some risks, because you have to be independent and get most things by yourself. However, studying abroad is generally a great experience.
First of all, it allows you to meet new people and you get to know a different culture. That makes you be more open-minded and have a different view of life… Maybe if you had prejudices about that country, after being there, you realise they were not true.
Moreover, it makes it easier to learn other languages. When you are abroad, not only can you practise the language 24 hours every day, but you also listen to native speakers, so you improve very quickly.
It also makes you more responsible as you have to care for yourself
In a nutshell, I consider that going away is always a good thing to do and I recommend everyone to do it when given the chance.