miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

In what circumstances would you think of emigrating?

Emigrating means moving to another country, which is something not many people like doing, because it means leaving behind their families. That movement started when people from the countryside moved to the cities looking for a job. Nowadays, there is a big disparity from one country to another, so many people are forced to leave their countries and look for a better life abroad. In many underdeveloped countries people must leave because of wars or because they suffer from famine.
What happens in a developed country? There are countries like Portugal, Italy or Spain where people can’t find a job easily due to the global economic crisis. Most young people from those countries have been emigrating looking for better working conditions or at least for a job.  
To sum up, I would emigrate if I suffered from bad living conditions in my country or because I sought for better working opportunities.