jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Does money bring happiness?

Money is something important in life, as it allows us to have a good life quality and enjoy many possibilities , which people with less resources can’t afford. Poverty conditions dramatically people’s life,  as it often implies bad health conditions, deficiencies in education, etc. In addition, it is usually the cause of many other problems, such as violence or prostitution.

Notwithstanding, wealthiness doesn’t guarantee happiness.  Paradoxically, rich people are sometimes more miserable than poor ones, as they don’t have some other important values, such as family, friendship…  Besides, when we get obsessed with getting money, we might neglect other aspects in our life which are, at least, as important as richness.

 In conclusion, we can say that wealthiness doesn’t bring happiness, as there are other relevant things in life, but it is important to have our basic necessities covered.