viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

Is travelling a good experience?

Nowadays, many people travel abroad for different reasons and travelling is becoming a more common practice every day, as it is more affordable than in the past. 

Travelling can be a really enriching experience, not only because it allows you to know different places and cultures, but because it makes you become more responsible, as you usually have to take many decisions while travelling.
However, it is not always a good experience, and sometimes a voyage can become a true odissey, as many problems can happen –from lost of luggage, to more serious situations. Besides, when suffering problems, being abroad makes everything more complicated  and  inexpert travellers might be overcome by difficult situations.
In conclusion,  we can say that travelling can be a good experience that broadens your mind, even if sometimes problems and difficult situations might come up.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living up to 100 year of age?

Nowadays, thanks to the progress of science and medicine life expectancy is higher and higher every day. But, is it really worth it living for so long?

Living for a long time may allow you to live more experiences and spend more time with your family. Besides, when one gets retired it is easy to dedicate more time to one’s hobbies or even to learn new things- some old people even go to university to acquire new knowledges.

On the other hand, when people get older, the usually have both physical and mental health problems, which makes their life quality much worse. In addition, elderly people usually suffer from isolation, as many of their friends and relatives have passed away.

In a nutshell, living for a long time could be a really good thing, as long as you have health and friends who care for you.